
Displaying 1851 - 1860 of 5023
60.41109662.4161.2058764.31210 1312718 3340 373 Other Crops103 5615635 Alfalfa Hay104 … 278 Vegetables106 Truck Crops107 Fruits-Flowers-Trees108 Irrigated … Sorghum110 Soybeans111 Sunflowers112 Wheat113 Other Crops114 Alfalfa Hay115 Other …
February 9, 2022 Prices and Price Forecasts
changed in the fertilizer markets to cause the price of fertilizers … price (relative to other crops) will shift more acres to … easily throw the fertilizer market into more turmoil. The EIA …
August 15, 2016 Breakout session presentations
Depreciation allowed or allowable• Fair Market Value (FMV)• Special use valuation on real estate (2032A elections)• … Basis reduction is $0 when the aggregate of the basis of the property held by the taxpayer immediately after the discharge did not exceed the aggregate of the liabilities of the taxpayer immediately after the discharge  Transactions that Create Tax Challenges: Bunching of Income: Betty Beans carries forward grain from 2015 to be sold in 2016.  Betty cannot get credit to put in 2016 crop, her operation is shut down.  She has no production expenses to offset carryover income.  Betty will be subject to Federal, Self Employment, and possible State Taxes Transactions that Create Tax Challenges: Rapid Depreciation:Fred Farmer bought a grain drill in 2014 for $50,000.  His KFMA Economist recommended regular depreciation, but Fred refused to pay anymore taxes than necessary, so section 179 was utilized and $50,000 was depreciated in 2014. Fred decided to sell the drill in 2016 to pay some debt.  He received $30,000 for the drill and his tax depreciation basis was $0.  Taxable gain on the drill sale was $30,000 ($30,000 sale –basis $0).  Fred will be liable for Federal and possible State Taxes. Transactions that Create Tax Challenges: Property turned over to lender (same as sold outright): Jim decides to turn his planter back to CNH Capital since he can’t make the payments.  He has a basis in his planter of $10,000.  The FMV of the planter is $65,000 and he owes CNH Capital $90,000.  CNH Capital is willing to take back the planter to satisfy the loan. Jim’s Planter Turn back? Recourse Debt DEBT …
52.39163453.44649200161 Other Crops103 43317243314 Alfalfa Hay104 … 66931376935 Vegetables106 Truck Crops107 Fruits-Flowers-Trees108 Irrigated … 56.7126760.4922334918 Other Crops114 Alfalfa Hay115 Other …
March 7, 2022 Risk and Profit Online Mini-Conference Presentations
Russian Conflict Ramifications • Crop Trade Effects• Major dis … Major disruptions in the World Wheat Market• Significant disruptions  … Significant disruptions in the World Corn Market• Smaller direct disruptio …
September 1, 2022 2022 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
Cost of doing business in a competitive market• With 3rd party, loan is often guaranteed by the supplier• … than any single bank in northeast US New findings: market share • Nontraditional real estate lenders hold over 1/3 of Farmer Mac’s Farm and Ranch portfolio, following substantial growth since 2013 (Lyons and Takach 2022)• …
Farm Type
Crop Non-Irrigated 128 Farms 11831173 Harv … Farms 11831173 Harv Acre Crop AcreCrop Total Livestock TotalTotal … 22,426 19.13 18.95 8,2688,268Crop Mach Repair 8,268 7.05 6.99 278278Irrigation …
Detailed Cost-Farm Type
Crop Non-Irrigated 128 Farms 11831173 Harv … Farms 11831173 Harv Acre Crop AcreCrop Total Livestock TotalTotal … 22,426 19.13 18.95 8,2688,268Crop Mach Repair 8,268 7.05 6.99 278278Irrigation …
2020 Risk and Profit Conference Presentations
Repayment Capacity Shifting crop mix The Lenders Perspective Agricultural …
Farm Type
ck-Ranch Cow Herd (11 Farms)Crop Non-Irrigated (304 Farms) Income … Forage15 15,61123,242 Other Crop16 3,4457,853 Government … 3,4457,853 Government Payments17 4,75923,280 Crop Insurance Proceeds18 5,591144,270 Machine …