
Displaying 1841 - 1850 of 5320
October 2, 2017 2017 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
Community Programs; Rural Economic Development Programs  … important to survive the economic downturn. 5. Many in Western … Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at …
April 17, 2018 Land Use Value Research
Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics, KSU, publishes these crop …
October 1, 2018 2018 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
H.R. 2) Senate (S. 3042) Economic Issues/ QuestionsARC v. PLC … H.R. 2) Senate(S. 3042) Economic Issues/ QuestionsMeans Test … marketing/hedging activity Economic rationale for RP w/harvest …
October 15, 2018 2018 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
H.R. 2) Senate (S. 3042) Economic Issues/ QuestionsARC v. PLC … H.R. 2) Senate(S. 3042) Economic Issues/ QuestionsMeans Test … marketing/hedging activity Economic rationale for RP w/harvest …
August 1, 2019 General Sessions
i.e., could stagnate U.S. economic growth) U.S. Soybean Exports … in the midst of near incivility & political unrest in some parts of the World (i.e., the U.S.‐China Trade Dispute, U.S. domestic civil unrest, Hong Kong/China, etc.)  Public “messaging” & “stoking” of public economic fears in the U.S. may worsen …
October 1, 2019 2019 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
Indicator of long‐run profitability in ag sector and some other factors Wider economic factors◦ Interest rates and access to credit◦ … Strength of the dollar and trade Current Economic Conditions Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( Net Farm and Ranch Income  $(20,000)  $30,000  $80,000  $130,000  $180,000 Retu rns o ver T otal  Cos ts Net Farm Income Per Operator Dryland Crop …
October 19, 2020 Grain Marketing Presentations
Stocks-to-Use & Prices KSU Ag Economics 520 – Brian Coffey Instructor October … balance sheets provide an “economic structure” for assessing … scarcity of ending supplies” economic theory indicates that % Stocks/Use …
August 1, 2022 2022 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
Unexpected events disrupted supply chains and created economic,  environmental, and social uncertainty in beef industry  • … PPI for farm products series WPU01.‐bin/srgate.  • Economic Research Service (ERS). 2020. Farmland Value – … Tonsor, G.T. and Schulz, L.L. 2015. “BEEF SPECIES SYMPOSIUM. Economic considerations related to U.S. beef herd expansion.” Journal of Animal Science. J. Anim. Sci. 2015.93:4227–4234 doi:10.2527/jas2014‐8473.  Preliminary Regional ResultsBeef Cow Herd Own‐Price Elasticities Overtime ‐0.3 ‐0.2 ‐0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1987 …
September 29, 2022
Dynamics • evaluation-us-cattle-cycle Context … Dynamics • C-P-54 09/26/22 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 JAN …
November 29, 2022
Dynamics • evaluation-us-cattle-cycle Context … Dynamics • C-P-54 11/21/22 $189 $173 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 JAN …