
Displaying 1731 - 1740 of 5320
December 1, 2003 Leasing Papers and Presentations
this paper discusses the economic principles of crop share … share rental arrangements. Economic theory says that equilibrium … equitable lease is that economic profits are shared in the …
July 29, 2013 Research Papers and Presentations
University - Agricultural Economics Page 1 Publication: GI-2013.1 A … University - Agricultural Economics Page 2 Publication: GI-2013.1 Std … University - Agricultural Economics Page 3 Publication: GI-2013.1 Figure …
February 5, 2013 Macro and Global Economic Perspectives
85.”  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(3): 532‐546, and Federal Reserve Board of Governors Real Commercial Paper Rates ‐15 ‐10 ‐5 0 5 10 15 20 19 10 19 14 19 18 19 22 19 26 19 30 19 34 19 38 19 42 19 46 19 50 19 54 19 58 19 62 19 66 19 70 19 74 19 78 19 82 19 86 19 90 19 94 19 98 20 02 20 06 20 10 Negative Real Interest Rates How does monetary policy work when nominal short‐ term interest rates are at the zero bound? Central Bank Short‐term  interest rates Bank Reserves Bank Credit …
January 18, 2012 Leasing Papers and Presentations
Projected Pasture Rental Rates for 2012    Kevin C. Dhuyvetter   Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University  … tistics Division (Kansas Ag Statistics) (historical reports are  available at   This survey collected data on rental rates in the Flint Hills of Kansas for various types of cattle  and stocking programs (i.e., different weights of stocker cattle for both season long and early  intensive and spring‐ and fall‐calving cow herds).  Unfortunately, due to budget constraints this  survey was discontinued after 2009 and thus producers and landowners who have relied upon  that information in the past need to find an alternative source of information.      One alternative source of information is the USDA NASS survey of cash rental rates at  the county level.  This information for Kansas is summarized in 2011 Kansas County‐Level Land  Values and Cash Rents available at  The  disadvantage of this information is that rental rates are reported only as dollars per acre  without any supporting information pertaining to stocking rates.  Without knowing anything  about stocking rate, information on pasture rental rates per acre has limited value when setting  rates for specific tracts of land.     Many factors impact the rental rate for any particular tract of land (e.g., forage quality,  stocking rate, size of pasture, quality of fence, water availability, landowner/tenant  relationship), however, an examination of historical data indicates there are three factors that  explain much of the variability in average rental rates over time.  First, rates trend up over time  and thus are expected to increase from year‐to‐year, all else equal.  Second, rates are positively  related to cattle prices, i.e., rental rates tend to increase more when cattle prices are high  compared to when cattle prices are low.  Third, rental rates are positively related to corn prices  suggesting that producers are willing to pay more to rent grass when feed prices are high.   These relationships have been quantified and embedded in a decision tool that allows  producers and landowners to predict average rental rates given assumptions about these three  factors (i.e., year, feeder cattle price, and corn price) (see Determining Pasture Rents in the  Kansas Flint Hills and corresponding decision tool available on (direct link  …
Breakout Sessions
master’s degree in agricultural economics from the University of Arkansas … his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics with emphases in spatial … master’s degree in agricultural economics from the University of Arkansas …
Breakout Sessions
the Dept. of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University … the Dept. of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University from … the Dept. of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University …
Breakout Sessions
his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University … Professor of Agricultural Economics, he has taught classes in … Futures Markets, Managerial Economics and Applied Econometrics …
August 22, 2013
Other What best describes your sentiment regarding the  long run economic prospects of the U.S. beef‐cattle  industry? 66% 1 … 2 What best describes your sentiment regarding the  long run economic prospects of the U S beef … U S beef cattlelong run economic prospects of the U.S. beef‐cattle  industry? 73%1 …
June 15, 2012
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … State University 1 Economic Outlook Overview: Cow-Calf … 2008-2010 Do some regions have an economic advantage for expansion …
June 12, 2012
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Feeds Manhattan, KS 1 Economic Outlook Overview: Cow-Calf … 2008-2010 Do some regions have an economic advantage for expansion …