
Displaying 1711 - 1720 of 5320
August 1, 2017 Breakout Sessions
Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University … Agribusiness Management. Her PhD in Economics is from North Carolina State … Current Economic Conditions Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( ‐150 ‐100 ‐50 0 50 100 150 Retu rns o ver T otal  Cos ts ($ /ac) NC KFMA Enterprise Analysis Wheat …
December 19, 2017 Farming for the Future Presentations
… ey (Average) WSJ Forecast (Nov.) The economic recovery appears to be finding its footing and  stabilizing above 2% annualized growth. 2 The labor market has improved. U.S. Unemployment RatePercent Source … Index 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Jan ‐78 Jan ‐81 Jan ‐84 Jan ‐87 Jan ‐90 Jan ‐93 Jan ‐96 Jan ‐99 Jan ‐02 Jan ‐05 Jan ‐08 Jan ‐11 Jan ‐14 Jan ‐17 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Jan ‐78 Jan ‐81 Jan ‐84 Jan ‐87 Jan ‐90 Jan ‐93 Jan ‐96 Jan ‐99 Jan ‐02 Jan ‐05 Jan ‐08 Jan ‐11 Jan ‐14 Jan ‐17 Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index Percent change from previous year Source:   Federal Reserve Economic Data, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Today’s inflation is well below 1970s levels… ‐2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% Jan ‐71 Jan ‐73 Jan ‐75 Jan ‐77 Jan ‐79 Jan ‐81 Jan ‐83 Jan ‐85 Jan ‐87 Jan ‐89 Jan ‐91 Jan ‐93 Jan ‐95 Jan ‐97 Jan ‐99 Jan ‐01 Jan ‐03 Jan ‐05 Jan ‐07 Jan ‐09 Jan ‐11 Jan ‐13 Jan ‐15 Jan ‐17 PCE Price Index (Headline) PCE Price Index Excluding Food and Energy (Core) 3 …and inflation expectations are low and  continue to remain below the “2% target.” • …
August 1, 2019 Breakout Sessions
Indicator of long‐run profitability in ag sector and some other factors Wider economic factors◦ Interest rates and access to credit◦ … Strength of the dollar and trade Current Economic Conditions Returns to Farming Source: KFMA Enterprise Reports ( Net Farm and Ranch Income  $(20,000)  $30,000  $80,000  $130,000  $180,000 Retu rns o ver T otal  Cos ts Net Farm Income Per Operator Dryland Crop …
October 1, 2019 2019 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
 Representative “When politics and economics collideeconomics lose.” . . . . Professor … Domestic subsidies & excess, non‐economic capacity;  Delays in GMO product approvals; costing the U.S. about $7 billion over the past five years (CropLife International);  …
April 4, 2020 KFMA Research
still due April 15. 2020 Economic Impact Payments Theeconomic impact payments established … Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Payroll …
November 16, 2020 Monthly Meat Demand Monitor (Prior Years)
in SAS to identify socio-economic and other respondent characteristics … Department of Agricultural Economics Glynn Tonsor, Professor … Department of Agricultural Economics Glynn Tonsor, Professor …
September 20, 2021 Fed Cattle Pricing
important to consider the economic incentives which have driven … packers and demonstrate how economic incentives have played a … consistent with rational economic and risk management behavior …
March 11, 2022 Risk and Profit Online Mini-Conference Presentations
Importantly, diversity of portfolios has developed‐meat/marketing‐extension‐bulletins/trade‐and‐demand/concentration‐us‐red‐meat‐exports Consider Evolution of U.S. Meat Exports Meanwhile, economic importance of beef trade continues to grow‐meat/meat‐demand/monthly‐export‐meat‐demand‐indices‐usdabls‐data Export Beef Demand Strength – …
August 1, 2022 Breakout Sessions
Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Data source … misunderstanding of the true economic relation of agriculture to … Third-party agreement with USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) • …
August 1, 2022 Breakout Sessions
Unexpected events disrupted supply chains and created economic,  environmental, and social uncertainty in beef industry  • … PPI for farm products series WPU01.‐bin/srgate.  • Economic Research Service (ERS). 2020. Farmland Value – … …