
Displaying 1701 - 1710 of 5320
June 1, 2021 Farm Profitability
Department of Agricultural Economics Gregg Ibendahl … Department of Agricultural Economics Gregg Ibendahl … Department of Agricultural Economics Gregg Ibendahl …
October 12, 2011 Water Policy
Professor Professor Professor Agriculture Dept. Dept. of Ag. Economics Dept. of AgEconomics Fort Hays State Univ. Kansas …
January 1, 1999 Technical & Fundamental Analysis
Risk DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Supply and demand ultimately … Agricultural and Applied Economics Department Director Research … adjusted for changes in weather; economic conditions in Asia that will …
January 27, 2016 Agribusiness Papers
Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … Department of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University … manner that preserves the economic benefits of irrigation further …
Breakout Sessions
Kansas State’s Agricultural Economics Master Program in May of … State he earned a B.S. in Economics with a Minor in Mathematics … State’s Agricu l t u r a l Econom i c s Master Progra m in …
Breakout Sessions
Master’s in Agricultural Economics at K-State. She graduated … his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University … Futures Markets, Managerial Economics and Applied Econometrics …
October 3, 2016 2016 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
xtension AssociateK‐State Department of Ag. Economics • Analysts travel to the producer’s home, providing private and confidential business advice • …
May 9, 2013
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics Kansas State University 1 Overarching … University 1 Overarching Economic Outlook • Supplies – … LMIC Do some regions have an economic advantage for expansion? Do …
January 15, 2013
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University 1 … University 1 Economic Outlook Overview: Cow-Calf … LMIC 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 $ / b r e d   c o w Value of Production and Operating Cost by Region, 2008‐2010 Do some regions have an economic advantage for expansion? Data …
August 17, 2016 Breakout session presentations
Candidate in Agricultural Economics. She received her B.S. in … B.S. in Food and Resource Economics from the University of Florida … and a M.S. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University in …