
Displaying 171 - 180 of 3595
May 27, 2020 Risk Management Strategies
31.) Would payments be on hay bales not sold? Oats, Cane … Oats, Cane? Yes, both Oat hay and sorghumhay would be eligible for CFAP … subject to price risk. Hay inventory is converted to …
September 21, 2023 2024 Livestock Budgets, 2023 Livestock Budgets
alternative feedstuffs. Hay&ForageHay/Forage Types Amount ofHay/ForageHay/Forage Summary Feed Name Price Unit Name: Total … feedstuffs. Notes: Hay/Forage/Feedstuffs: Feed costs … your feed inputs (such as hay), the easiest way to account …
February 1, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
offered on February 7, 2013 in Hays, Kansas. This will be the … II workshop scheduled for Hays, Kansas. 3 Farmers … offered on the prior day in Hays. Farmers who are beyond …
January 29, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
RAMI), are February 6 in Hays, KS and February 19 in Hillsboro … offered on February 6, 2013 in Hays, Kansas. To register or … offered on February 7, 2013 in Hays, Kansas only. To register …
September 4, 2017 Section 2: Gathering Financial Information
or commercially, including hay) Crop Description Quantity (bu … dollars) Raised feed (list tons of hay fed, bushels of corn fed … dollars) Raised feed (list tons of hay fed, bushels of corn fed …
September 1, 2024 2024 Ag Lenders Conference Presentations
NET PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR FORAGE PRODUCTION? HAY INVENTORY TOOLS Why? Declining water availability Drought concerns Demand from dairy and feed yards, other cattle producers Continued awareness gap The ‘Federal Farm Safety Net’ • … Forage isn’t always eligible: for CFAP, only alfalfa hay was eligible Standing and ad hoc disaster programs Types of forage • …
September 4, 2017 Section 4: Enterprise Budgeting
silage equals 1 pound of dry hay. Value a ton of silage is …
July 22, 2016 Grain Market Outlook
    Trends in U.S. Crop Planted Acres, Production, & Crop Revenues  “A record of crop acreage changes, increased production, and declining crop revenues”  Daniel O’Brien, Extension Agricultural Economist – Kansas State University  July 21, 2016  Summary  Over the year 2000‐2016 time period there has been a significant expansion in both planted acres and  production of corn and soybeans in the United States.  Primary factors causing these changes have been the  growth that has occurred in corn‐based ethanol production in the United States and in Chinese soybean export  demand in the World soybean market since year 2000.   When converted to a common per unit of weigh, it is  noteworthy that U.S. production of corn on a crop‐weight basis is predominant, followed in order by all hay  produced, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, cotton, barley, oats, and sunflower.   Projected revenues for the MY 2016/17 marketing years for each of the major U.S. crop crops considered here  – corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum, cotton, barley, oats, and sunflowers – are down from average  revenues for those same crops since and including 2010.  These findings reinforce concerns about weakening  U.S. crop enterprise‐related financial conditions in the United States in the near term.     U.S. Corn: After achieving high production revenue amounts for U.S. corn in the 2011/12 and 2012/13  marketing years in the range of $74.155 ‐ $76.651 billion dollars, corn revenues have declined as U.S. corn  supplies have increased and prices have subsequently declined over the 2013/14 through projected 2016/17  marketing year period.  Projected U.S. corn production revenue of approximately $49.436 billion from the July  12th WASDE report is down nearly 36% from the MY 2011/12 high of $76.651 billion.   U.S. Soybeans: After achieving high production revenue amounts in the 2012/13 and 2013/14 marketing years  in the range of $43.583 ‐ $43.723 billion dollars, soybean revenues have declined as U.S. soybean prices have  fallen over the 2013/14 through projected 2016/17 marketing year period.  Projected U.S. soybean production  revenue of approximately $36.680 billion from the July 12th WASDE report is down nearly 16% from the MY  2012/13 high of $45.583 billion.    U.S. Wheat: While planted acres of U.S. wheat have declined over the 2000‐2016 period, U.S. wheat  production has been unchanged‐to‐increasing slightly over the period due to increased wheat yields.  With  inflation in wheat prices, actual wheat revenues have trended higher over the 2000‐2016 period.  However,  since year 2000 U.S. wheat production revenues have fallen sharply with the implicit USDA projection of  $8.592 billion for MY 2016/17 being down from the range of $10.203 – 17.383 billion over the 2010‐2015.   Weakening U.S. wheat exports in recent years following from several consecutive large World wheat crops are  a primary cause of the current “large supply / low price / low revenue” situation that exists in the U.S. wheat  farm sector.    U.S. Grain Sorghum: While planted acres of U.S. grain sorghum have generally declined over the 2000‐2016  period, they sharply increased over the 2013‐2016 period.  Helped by strong trade demand from China during  2013‐2015, U.S. producers responded by increasing U.S. grain sorghum acreage and production of.  However,  with a change in Chinese domestic feedgrain stocks management policies and decreased for U.S. grain  sorghum imports, U.S. grain sorghum prices and projected revenues have declined.  Production revenues are  2 | P …
December 1, 2008 KFMA Newsletters
Yield Maximization in Brome Hay Pg 4 ¾ 2008-2009 … YIELD MAXIMIZATION IN BROME HAY When agricultural input … use as it relates to brome hay production. Specifically …
or commercially, including hay) Crop Description Quantity (bu … dollars) Raised feed (list tons of hay fed, bushels of corn fed … dollars) Raised feed (list tons of hay fed, bushels of corn fed …