
Displaying 151 - 160 of 6689
May 16, 2023
crop … Cost-Return Budget (Dryland Double-Crop) | Central and Eastern KS … Average yields Double-Crop Soybeans Cost-Return Budget …
February 11, 2022
crop … … …
February 8, 2019
crop … … …
August 1, 2021 Breakout Sessions
crop … … …
2021 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
crop … … …
crop … 66.0989069.73423110917 Other Crops103 Alfalfa Hay104 Other … 74.1028478.841222898 Other Crops114 Alfalfa Hay115 Other …
crop … 52.47119452.64326148418 Other Crops103 Alfalfa Hay104 Other … 54.184735065 Sunflowers112 Wheat113 52.623633686 Other Crops114 Alfalfa Hay115 Other …
crop … 106664037.33170617 Other Crops104 Alfalfa Hay105 Other … 2969341.183905 Sunflowers113 Wheat114 17813271.183107 Other Crops115 Alfalfa Hay116 Other …
crop … 40.6688243.98844155710 Other Crops103 Alfalfa Hay104 Other … 5955 Sunflowers112 Wheat113 Other Crops114 Alfalfa Hay115 Other …
crop … 155762469.59218110 Other Crops104 Alfalfa Hay105 Other … Sorghum111 Soybeans112 Sunflowers113 Wheat114 11510472.222185 Other Crops115 Alfalfa Hay116 Other …