
Displaying 131 - 140 of 489
July 6, 2021 Risk Management Strategies
RMA Calculate the Harvest Price for Winter Canola?1 G.A … short answer is that the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) calculates … the Winter Canola Harvest Price (HP) using the same method …
January 15, 2013
risk … Drought Implications, and Risk Management Overview January … historical year for calf price levels and variability… …
March 8, 2019 Research Papers and Presentations
prices …  Net Returns   at RMA Projected Corn Prices   Daniel O’Brien and Greg Ibendahl – Extension Agricultural Economists  K‐State Research and Extension  March 8, 2019  A … the 2019 RMA Corn Projected Price of $4.00 /bu With the month …
March 8, 2019 Research Papers and Presentations
prices … t Returns   at RMA Projected Soybean Prices   Daniel O’Brien and Greg Ibendahl – Extension Agricultural Economists  K‐State Research and Extension  March 8, 2019  A … 2019 RMA Soybean Projected Price of $9.54 /bu With the month …
August 1, 2022 2022 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
insurance … Using Margin Protection Insurance to Manage High Input Costs … Associate Professor 2022 KSU Risk and Profit Conference Alumni …
June 30, 2016 Commodity Program Papers
price …                                                                                                                                                     1  Final MYA Wheat Price for 2015/16 used to Settle …   Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2016‐MYA.pdf     …
August 17, 2016 Breakout session presentations
crop … 2016 Risk and Profit Conference Breakout … We Return to Diversified Crop-Livestock Operations …
July 2, 2024 Risk Management Strategies
Projections and Sources of MYA Prices for ARC and PLC Commodity … Marketing Year Average wheat price for 2023/2024 is final and … K-State has also updated the crop
August 1, 2021 Breakout Sessions
crop … … ck Reports: What, When, Where? Risk and Profit ConferenceAugust 19‐20, 2021/Manhattan, KansasRich LlewelynEmail: 785.532.1504 K‐State Dept. of Agricultural Economics • …
2021 Risk and Profit Conference Recordings
crop … … ck Reports: What, When, Where? Risk and Profit ConferenceAugust 19‐20, 2021/Manhattan, KansasRich LlewelynEmail: 785.532.1504 K‐State Dept. of Agricultural Economics • …