
Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 5317
April 20, 2017
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University April … MCOOL? Overarching Beef Industry Economic Outlook • Supplies – … of Cow-Calf Returns 18 Economic Outlook Overview: Stockers C-P-49 04/17/17 $128.22 $143.34 $157.36 $123.06 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 JAN …
April 24, 2017
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University This … changing over time… 15 Economic Realities Going Forward • … euthanasia practices, … 16 Economic Realities Going Forward • …
December 16, 2013 Crop Insurance, Crop Insurance Papers
Agricultural and Applied Economics May, 2014 (Volume 46, No … Department of Agricultural Economics Andrew T. Saffert, Former … Department of Agricultural Economics G. Art Barnaby, Professor …
July 8, 2018
Tonsor Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University Email … changing over time… 21 Economic Realities Going Forward • … euthanasia practices, … 22 Economic Realities Going Forward • …
2018 Extension Outlook Conference
Tonsor Professor, Dept. of Ag. Economics, Kansas State University Email … TonsorGlynn Overarching Beef Industry Economic Outlook • Supplies – … Overarching Beef Industry Economic Outlook • Supplies – …
August 13, 2018
Tonsor Professor, Dept. of Ag. Economics, Kansas State University Email … TonsorGlynn Overarching Beef Industry Economic Outlook • Supplies – … Overarching Beef Industry Economic Outlook • Supplies – …
November 29, 2021 Ag Law Issues
Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 11/29/2021 … Department Of Agricultural Economics … Department Of Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 11/29/2021 …
September 28, 2023
generates estimates of the social and economic burden of animal  diseases through … The biomass of your livestock?  The economic investment in cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry?  … All other  systems Production systems Current Input/ Output Ideal Input/ Output Animal Health Loss  Envelope Farm‐level economics & population dynamics Infectious diseases Non‐infectious diseases External forces Cause & risk factors Attribution All other  species Sheep …
July 26, 2012 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …
June 15, 2015 Risk Management Strategies
Department of Agricultural Economics, K-State Research and Extension …