
Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 5021
February 4, 2016 Land Use Value Research, Land Rental Rates
divides Kansas into nine crop-reporting districts (Figure … contract (Table 2). In each crop reporting district, the percentage … pasture differs across the crop reporting districts because …
January 1, 2004 Land Leasing Forms
wildlife management, and marketing of leases. Types of … deer or pronghorn can reduce crop damage. Allowing friends … small areas of unharvested crops (food plots) for wildlife …
Land Buying and Valuing
reports land values at the crop reporting district (CRD … regions. Table 1. Kansas Crop Reporting District Level … Agricultural Statistics (KAS) Crop Reporting Districts (CRD) Figure …
June 18, 2008
Milk Futures marketFutures market USDAUSDA JunJun 20.2020.20 …
August 2, 2022 Recent Videos, Precision Ag and Technology Podcasts and Videos
Societal Impacts and Secondary Markets
July 18, 2019 Precision Ag and Technology Articles
farms involved in growing crops, transformingcrops into food ingredients, converting … identified portions of the crop (lots). The lots are identified … characteristics of the stored and marketed corn. When grain corn is …
May 28, 2010 Energy
through 2019-20 feedgrain marketing years, as well as the potential … by the 2019-20 U.S. corn marketing year. i. This analysis … projections in the 2015-16 marketing year). Over the same period …
May 28, 2010 Cash Prices & Marketing Strategies
through 2019-20 feedgrain marketing years, as well as the potential … by the 2019-20 U.S. corn marketing year. i. This analysis … projections in the 2015-16 marketing year). Over the same period …
January 1, 2013 Land Leasing Forms
livestock owner for the fair market value of such livestock … operator Pasture Hay Silage Crop residue Grain Protein Salt … buildings & fences Hauling Marketing Insurance Taxes Labor Miscellaneious Operating …
April 5, 2018 Fuel Price Forecasts
ex- pense item. With most crop budgets showing very little … oil prices. Fortunately, the future market provides that based on what … prices. Currently, the futures market shows oil futures declining …