
Displaying 1171 - 1180 of 3933
July 6, 2017 Land Use Value Research, Land Rental Rates
choices. The land rental market in Kansas is quite dynamic … be affected by changes in markets, legislation, or farming … K-State Research and Extension publications: Albright, Martin, Daniel …
August 1, 2003 Farm Business and Transition Planning
products, production practices marketing methods, and other highlights … a commodity or specialty market? What is the status of “our” … products or services, target markets, and work force composition …
August 29, 2011 Research Papers and Presentations
66506-4011 Publications andpublic meetings by the Department … available and open to the public regardless of race, sex … veterinary, dairy, and livestock marketing and breeding. The chemical …
August 29, 2011 Energy
66506-4011 Publications andpublic meetings by the Department … available and open to the public regardless of race, sex … veterinary, dairy, and livestock marketing and breeding. The chemical …
August 15, 2016 Breakout session presentations
Depreciation allowed or allowable• Fair Market Value (FMV)• Special use valuation on real estate (2032A elections)• … 100,000 leaving them $0 basis.  He will also be required to use up his NOL of $15,000  to offset the remaining  discharged debt of $20,000.  The remaining $3,000 of debt discharged that made Henry solvent would not be recognized as debt discharged income because he uses the qualified farmer exception. Transactions that Create Tax Challenges:Tax Consequences on the Repossession of Real Property: On repossession, the amount of gain recognized is the lesser of: 1)  The amount of cash and the fair market value (FMV) of other property received prior to the reacquisition (but only to the extent such money and other property exceeds the amount of gain reported prior to reacquisition). 2)  The amount of gain realized on the sale (adjusted sales price less adjusted income tax basis) in excess of the gain previously  …
Breakout Sessions
the National Association of Public and Land Grant Universities … sounds large but a higher market price in 2011 caused higher … insurance was made into a public-private partnership. 2 …
February 13, 2020 Land Buying and Valuing, Land Use Value Research
Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 02/13/2020 … Agricultural Economics Extension Publication 02/13/2020 … by the percent of the crop marketed within that month to determine …
January 30, 2024 Land Buying and Valuing
Agricultural Land Values and Trends publication is a joint venture between … in preparing data for this publication. Author Robin Reid Extension … Economics 785-532-0964 Electronic copies of this publication can be found at: Hard …
January 27, 2009
2.662.66 „„ Auction MarketsAuction Markets 2.832.83 „„ ProcessorsProcessors … justify ban •• Test if public good benefits (beyond personal … beyond personal Test if public good benefits (beyond personal …
September 18, 2019 2018 Farm Bill
33.93 34.04 This publication is brought to you by the … Disclaimer: This publication is designed to aid farmers … to aid farmers with their marketing and risk decisions. This …