
Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 3933
January 11, 2018 Farming for the Future Presentations
Only have a state value for irrigated, non‐irrigated, and pasture land in Kansas 2017 Cropland Values 2017 Pasture Land Values Kansas Land Values ‐13.0% Source: USDA‐NASS ‐7.9% ‐13.1% Rent‐to‐Land Value Ratio Source: USDA‐NASS Market‐Based Land Values Kans … Kansas Land Values Source for market transaction data◦ Property Valuation Department, Topeka 2014‐16 sales data◦ …
September 4, 2017 Section 7: Interpreting Financial Statement Results
pricing, financing and marketing decisions on gross income? 17 … Gross farm income Solvency (market) 4. Farm debt-to-asset … marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran …
pricing, financing and marketing decisions on gross income? 17 … Gross farm income Solvency (market) 4. Farm debt-to-asset … marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran …
October 1, 2019 2019 Crop Insurance Workshop Presentations
Corn and Soybean digest: Marketing discipline and focus: Part … Part 1 (and 2)“When do you market corn? During planting or … Higher lost cost ratio = higher premiums and vice versa!/vizhome/CornReferenceRates/Sheet1?publish=yes Maximize profit and minimize events leading to farm ruin (OR UNCLE POINTS!) I am going to calculate profit and farm ruin events for different coverage levels, insurance types and hedging levels.  We want to find the contracts that give us the best profit …
December 22, 2020 Agribusiness Papers
Cooperatives do not have access to publicly traded equitymarkets, which means many cooperatives … unique data set of grain marketing and farm supply cooperatives’ …
May 9, 2016 USDA METSS Project
16 Crop Marketing Activities in 2012 … 38 Marketing and Product Utilization … by Month and Distance to Market
June 28, 2024 International Grain Markets
28th June 2024 IGP Market Information: … … round-up of tanker and dry bulk market ....................................................6 …
Breakout Sessions
9 17 Source:�USDA�NASS�data;�Tonsor�tabulations Percent�of�Marketings Capacity # hd 2000 2005 2010 … 6 USDA’s�longer�term�projections�(as�of�Feb.�2013)�… g • U.S.�beef�cow�inventory:� • … Real�All�Fresh�Beef�Prices��0.5%�=�0%�Demand�Change 24 What�broad�beef�demand�determinant�do�you�think� h …
August 1, 2018 Breakout Sessions
extension education programs on market risk, government commodity … programs, crop insurance and public policy. He has authored several … and not at it’s current market value, providing yield replacement …
February 4, 2016 Land Use Value Research, Land Rental Rates,_Chapter_1_State_Level/Kansas/ksv1.pdf … increases seen in the cattle market, probably due to the length … contract. The pastureland rental market can be affected by changes …