
Displaying 111 - 120 of 489
May 5, 2020 Grain Market Outlook
The U.S. Soybean “Price Protection Net” Applied … Applied to Kansas for “New Crop” MY 2020/21 Daniel O’Brien … The U.S. soybean market “price protection net” for the “new …
February 2, 2024 Recent Videos
risk … Will a Farm Bill be passed in an election year?  Will there be another extension? • Crop Insurance is permanently authorized, as is SNAP (food assistance) Where we are at today… Current issues • … Desire to raise PLC reference prices– Base acre update• …
March 3, 2021 Managing Risk and Marketing Grain in 2021 - Presentations, Price Risk Publications
price … g e The U.S. Corn “Price Protection Net” Applied … Applied to Kansas for “New Crop” MY 2021/22 Daniel O’Brien …
March 3, 2021 Managing Risk and Marketing Grain in 2021 - Presentations, Price Risk Publications
price … The U.S. Soybean “Price Protection Net” Applied … Applied to Kansas for “New Crop” MY 2021/22 Daniel O’Brien …
May 8, 2017 Risk Management Strategies
                                                                                                                                                    1  Grower Options For Insured Wheat Damaged By Late Wi … th areas in neighboring states, caused cold‐ weather damage to the crop which was progressing int …
July 11, 2016 Risk Management Strategies
                                                                                                                                                    1  Low Wheat Prices have Triggered LDP Payments1 …   Art Barnaby (   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics ‐ June 2016‐MYA.pdf     …
May 23, 2013 Risk Management Strategies
with their marketing and risk management decisions. Therisk of loss in trading futures … Replacing the Harvest Price with a Private HarvestPrice will Double Farmer Paid Premiums … price
August 1, 2022 Breakout Sessions
insurance … Using Margin Protection Insurance to Manage High Input Cos … y Chair and Associate Professor   2022 KSU Risk and Profit Conference Augu …
March 3, 2021 Recent Videos
price … Economics The Corn & Soybean “Price Protection Net” in Kansas … ECONOMIST @ KSU 2021 Mini Risk & Prof i t – 3/3/21 Agricultural …
May 17, 2019 Grain Market Outlook
S.‐China Trade Conflict on U.S. Corn Prices  Daniel O’Brien – Ext … nsas State University Ag  Economist Daniel O’Brien based on an analysis of seasonal price patterns estimates that a … …