
Displaying 1031 - 1040 of 3933
June 9, 2012
production … – recognize public data sources on these issues … cash- to lean-pricing of market hogs – Wasn’t mandated, butmarket encouraged transition • … – Misses opportunity as public views farmer/rancher to have …
January 1, 2014
Tonsor Agricultural Economist Livestock Marketing Sandy Johnson Livestock … disease prevention. 12. Marketing costs: include only if these … 12. Marketing Costs …
April 19, 2018 Agribusiness Papers
possibility that a producer who marketed commodities through a cooperative … through deduction. Farmers marketing through a cooperative Impact … joint return. If the producer markets commodities through the cooperative …
October 7, 2016
Source: USDA-NASS Livestock Marketing Information Center 17.2 … Medicine / Drugs Livestock Marketing / Breeding Machinery Labor … 2015 …
June 1, 2015 Land Buying and Valuing
instances, as opposed to actual market sales. Thus, these data are … trends than for establishing market value or rental rates for … 2011, land values in this publication are only reported at the …
April 1, 2015 Land Buying and Valuing
   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐MRT‐2015.2)   … state, there is very little publicly available information people … land sold through typical market channels and does not include …
April 1, 2015 Land Buying and Valuing
   Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐MRT‐2015.2)   … state, there is very little publicly available information people … land sold through typical market channels and does not include …
September 1, 2006 Beef Cattle
contracts on CRP acres. The publication Decision Considerations … acre) that reflects average market values in the region as well …
November 21, 2012 USDA METSS Project
Other 4    Figure 4 shows the trend in the rice import penetration ratio in Ghana based on an assumption  of 65% milling yield rate for paddy rice.5  The figure shows that while the import penetration  ratio increased between 2000 and 2003, peaking at about 486% – implying that the country  imported almost 5 kg for each kilogram of rice it produced – it has been declining since the mid‐ 2000s, reaching 174% in 2009.  Although the declining trend is illustrative of the increasing  domestic rice production in since 2007 (as seen in Figure 1), some consider the current import  penetration ratio as still high.  This has prompted debates about the appropriate policies to  implement to address the high rice importation levels.      Figure 4: Rice Import Penetration Ratio in Ghana (2000‐2009)    Source: FAO (   It is argued that the foregoing high import penetration ratio presents opportunities for  improving the operations and capacity of participants in Ghana’s rice industry to enhance their  global competitiveness.  It challenges the industry’s stakeholders, public policymakers and their  d …
October 1, 2011 Land Buying and Valuing
Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐KCD‐2011.7)   … is limited availability of publically reported price data at the … Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics (Publication: AM‐KCD‐2011.7)   …