
Displaying 11 - 20 of 39
Summary Book - All Counties
……................................................................................................................................ 6 Historical Trend Graphs … … ….......................................................................................................................10 Historical Trend Graphs …............................................................................................................................................18 Comparison …
February 1, 2008 Water Policy
Assumptions on Irrigated Crop Production … 4 1. Crop Mix … Assumptions on Nonirrigated Crop Production …
Annual Book
13 --Crop Value and Cost Trends, 1999-2008 … 14 --Crop Net Return Comparison, 2003-2008 … 26 --Crop Value and Cost Trends, 1999-2008 …
Annual Book
13 --Crop Value and Cost Trends, 2000-2009 … 14 --Crop Net Return Comparison, 2004-2009 … 26 --Crop Value and Cost Trends, 2000-2009 …
Summary Book - All Counties
2004-2014……………………...………………………...……………….9 GOVT. PAYMENT VS.CROP INS 1996-2014CROP ENT RETURNS 10 SE KANSAS … KANSAS LIQUIDITY & EFFICIENCY GRAPHS 2004-2014………………………………...…..…11 SOUTHEAST …
August 1, 2011 Land Buying and Valuing
“Determining Equitable Crop Share or Cash Rental Arrangements,” … Kastens, 2001) focus on renting crop land. These publications … 1880- 2010) farmland values (crop, pasture, and buildings combined …
Summary Book - All Counties
and Expense (excl. feed) Graph … Twenty-five years Net Farm Income Graph … Only.................................... 15 Crop Value and Cost Comparison …
Summary Book - All Counties
KANSAS LIQUIDITY & EFFICENCY GRAPHS 2000 - 2009……………… … 31 DETAILED COST ANALYSIS / SE CROP PROFIT CENTER……………… … TYPE………………………...………………………. 34 - 35 CROP ENTERPRISES…………………………………………………..………… …
Summary Book - All Counties
Informational Charts and Graphs for Whole Farm Analysis … 17 Crop Enterprise Summary … 23 2020 Crop Enterprise Written Summary …
Summary Book - All Counties
KANSAS LIQUIDITY & EFFICENCY GRAPHS 1999 - 2008………………8 GOVT … 31 DETAILED COST ANALYSIS / SE CROP PROFIT CENTER…………………32 … TYPE………………………...………………………. 34 - 35 CROP ENTERPRISES…………………………………………………..………… …